Hi All,
The last zine felt kind of… thin. I’m hoping to focus more on quality-over-quantity, and have slightly bigger, quarterly zines. I think I need more time to ruminate.
I will say this: the farm is changing my thinking a lot. It hit me recently that biological processes really truly are the Machinae Ex Deo. Expect to see more in this vein. The zine format has also been fun as I’m able to more directly tie into and point at my influences. I hope that’s appreciated and not just idiosyncratic.
A few people have expressed interest in getting zines mailed to them. To that end, I’ve opened up a paid tier on the substack here: https://www.machinaeexdeo.com/subscribe
If you subscribe to the paid tier, and send your mailing address to mail@machinaeexdeo.com, when a new zine is printed, you’ll get it mailed to you before it’s even published digitally. Excess proceeds will go towards proliferating the zine in the wild.
- Thad